Smile Avenue Specialist Orthodontists: Hoppers Crossing
1 specialists

Sachin received his dental and postgraduate qualification in orthodontics at Manipal University, India. While he was teaching there as a senior lecturer, he was accepted into advanced dual degree (Certificate in Orthodontics and Masters of Dental Science), at the University of Connecticut (UConn), School of Dental Medicine, USA, where he was guided by the world-renowned gurus of orthodontics professor Charles J Burstone and professor Ravindra Nanda.
After completing his studies in the USA, he moved to Melbourne in 2015, as a Senior Lecturer at Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne. Since then, he has been engaged in teaching postgraduates in orthodontists at the University of Melbourne and practicing as a registered specialist orthodontist. He has over 13 years of experience as an orthodontist. He feels proud and honored to be in the orthodontic profession, as it helps him to positively influence every individual he comes across, be at practice, or at the university.