Oliver Orthodontics
1 specialists

Dr Oliver completed his dental degree (with Honours) at the University of Queensland in 1998. After graduating he worked in private practice for seven years in Toowong, Clayfield and abroad before undertaking specialist orthodontic training.
Dr Oliver is a registered specialist in orthodontics, having completed a three-year Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) at the University of Queensland. He lectures to dentists and has undertaken further study to gain membership to the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. This training, experience and his commitment to continuing education gives his patients that they will be receiving the best orthodontic care available.
Dr Oliver believes that evidence-based practice holds the key to providing the best treatment for patients. He keeps up-to-date with the latest technologies and treatment philosophies and regularly attend orthodontic conferences.
When not working towards the perfect smile, he loves to spend time with his family and enjoys cycling, tennis, sailing and music.