MP Orthodontics
1 specialists
10 Jamieson Street Cheltenham | View on map

Dr Hall graduated from University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Dentistry in 1983. Following this, Dr Hall completed post-graduate studies in Orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania – where he graduated first in his class.
Dr Hall has been on the teaching staff at both the University of Melbourne and the University of Pennsylvania. He has been involved as an orthodontist at Monash Medical Centre in the Craniofacial Unit.
Dr Hall has an extreme passion for orthodontics. He specialises in early treatment, fixed braces, lingual braces, Invisalign, and interdisciplinary treatment, including orthognathic surgical cases. He has developed a short term cosmetic orthodontic treatment called Smilefast which is now practised by many dentists nationally and internationally. Dr Hall sees both adults and children at his Caulfield practice.
Dr Hall lectures to dental professionals nationally and internationally. He has written many articles and more recently was a co-author in a lingual orthodontic textbook.