Fryer Barry Orthodontists: Kiama
2 specialists

Dr Barry gained his Bachelor of Dentistry Degree from the University of Sydney and commenced as a dentist in private practice in Wollongong in 1990. He returned to the University of Sydney for full time study in orthodontics and completed his Masters Degree in 1998.
Following completion of his specialist training, Dr Barry worked initially at Macquarie Street, Sydney for three years before returning to Wollongong and commencing as a partner of Fryer Barry Orthodontists.
He has taught postgraduate orthodontics since 1998 and is Specialist Clinical Associate in the Orthodontic Department at the University of Sydney. He consulted to the Craniofacial Clinic at the Westmead Children’s Hospital for four years.
Dr Barry's passion for orthodontics stems from the satisfaction it gives him to improve his patient’s smile, and the overall function of their teeth. He keeps pace with current orthodontic research and treatment methods and regularly attends courses and conferences. This allows him to choose the most suitable treatment approach and appliances for each patient.
He enjoys photography, music and the pursuit of superb coffee.

Born in London, Dr Fryer came to Sydney at a very young age, where he grew up and then went to The University of Sydney.
In 1980 he qualified as a dentist with a Bachelor of Dentistry Degree from the University of Sydney and then worked in private practice for five years. During this time he developed a keen interest in orthodontics that led to his decision to specialise.
Dr Fryer completed his Masters Degree in 1988. That same year he began Specialist Orthodontic practice in Wollongong which he has continued ever since.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons by examination in the field of paediatric dentistry. He has been awarded honorary fellowships in the Pierre Fauchard Academy, the Academy of Dentistry International and the International College of Dentists. He is also a member of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons Special Field of Orthodontics.
Dr Fryer has demonstrated and tutored at Sydney University in the fields of Operative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.
Interest in aesthetic treatment options has led him to practice the lingual orthodontic technique (invisible braces) and the use of low visibility appliances in addition to traditional ones. Working with both children and adults provides him with great satisfaction in his chosen vocation.
Dr Fryer is married and has four children, but still manages to find time for his love of surfing.