Esperance Orthodontic Centre
2 specialists

Dr Crofton Daniels BDSc, MDSc, FRACDS, M.Orth RCS (Edin) completed his Bachelor of Dental Science and Masters Degree in Orthodontics at the University of Western Australia. On graduating from Orthodontics he was awarded the prestigious Elsdon Storey Research Prize for Orthodontic Research Excellence. He has worked in specialist private practice since 2007. Dr Daniels is primarily based in Morley but also visits Carine, Esperance and Geraldton. He continues his association with the University of Western Australia with an appointment as a clinical tutor to post-graduate students. Dr Daniels is an active member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists. He has held numerous positions and is currently a Federal Councillor. To stay abreast with the latest advancements in the orthodontic profession he regularly attends continuing Education conferences both domestically and internationally. Dr Daniels was born and raised in Perth. Outside of work he is the proud father of 3 children, loves the outdoors and is passionate about his boating, fishing, rugby and cricket.

Dr Steven Naoum (BDSc, Grad Dip, DClinDent, PhD) completed his Bachelor of Dental Science and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) at The University of Western Australia and holds a PhD from The University of Sydney, in the area of dental biomaterials.
Dr Naoum is a Registered Orthodontic Specialist with the Dental Board of Australia. He has attained certification with the Australasian Orthodontic Board and has been awarded the Elsdon Storey Research Prize for Excellence in Orthodontic Research.
In addition to practicing Orthodontics at Morley Orthodontic Centre and Esperance Orthodontic Centre, Dr Naoum is a Senior Lecturer within the Discipline of Orthodontics at the University of Western Australia. Prior to his specialist training in Orthodontics, Dr Naoum held a full-time academic position in general dentistry at The University of Sydney and worked with The Poche Centre for Indigenous Health to assist Aboriginal communities seeking to provide sustainable oral health solutions.
Outside of Orthodontics, Dr Naoum enjoys spending unhurried time with his wife and children, is a passionate follower of Perth Glory, and enjoys being an active member of his church.