Braces n Faces Orthodontics: Hoppers Crossing
1 specialists

Dr Hashmat Popat Specialist Orthodontist BDS (Brist), MFDS RCS (Eng), MScD (Card), MOrth RCS (Ed), FDS (Orth), PhD (Card)
‘Hash’ gained his Bachelor of Dental Science from Bristol University, United Kingdom, in 2000. After graduating, he travelled to Australia to work at Sydney Dental Hospital and then for Queensland Health before moving back to the UK to complete his specialist orthodontic training at Cardiff University in 2008.
Hash continued to work for Cardiff University while completing a PhD. During this time he also took on a senior academic role on the Specialty Training Programme at the School of Dentistry, which prepares postgraduate dentists to become specialist orthodontists. He has published over 30 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and conducted research projects in all aspects of orthodontics, including Invisalign®.
Hash has a wide range of clinical experience and can offer treatment to children and adults using ceramic (white) braces, lingual braces (attached to the inside of your teeth) or Invisalign®.
Hash has most recently come from a large private practice in the Melbourne CBD working alongside several general dentists and other dental specialists. He is excited to develop new working relationships with the local practitioners in Geelong and the surrounds.