Adelaide Orthodontics
1 specialists

BDS BSciDent(Hons) DClinDent(Orth) MRACDS(Orth) MOrthRCSEd
Dr Sven Jensen grew up in the Adelaide Hills. He completed his dental degree at the University of Adelaide and spent time in government and private practice in Tasmania before he returned to Adelaide to complete specialist orthodontic training. Sven has just returned from Canada where he completed a fellowship in Craniofacial and Special Care Orthodontics at the University of Toronto and the Hospital for Sick Children across 2019-2020. Dr Jensen enjoys looking after children with craniofacial conditions such as cleft lip and palate, Crouzon, Apert and Treacher Collins syndromes. Sven also takes pride in spending a little more time to see those with autism, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.